Thursday, May 1, 2008

Power goes wireless

A new sys­tem for trans­mit­ting pow­er could get rid of the tan­gle of ca­bles that keep alive our cell phones, lap­tops and oth­er de­vices, re­search­ers re­port. Phys­i­cists at the Mas­sa­chu­setts In­sti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy in Cam­bridge, Mass. found that pow­er could be trans­mit­ted with­out wires us­ing spe­cial “res­o­nant” an­ten­nas. The re­search­ers used the sys­tem to pow­er a 60-watt light bulb more than two me­ters (a­bout two yards) from a wire­less trans­mit­ter at 40 per­cent ef­fi­cien­cy. Two im­ages of a 60-watt bulb lit from 2 me­ters away by a pow­er-trans­mit­ting coil. Note the ob­s­truc­tion in the low­er im­age.One known meth­od uses elec­tro­mag­ne­tic radia­t­ion, like ra­di­o waves. More com­monly used for wire­less trans­mis­sion of in­forma­t­ion, these can al­so trans­mit pow­er. But not very ef­fec­tive­ly. Since radia­t­ion spreads in all di­rec­tions, al­most all the pow­er would end up be­ing wast­ed in­to space. An al­ter­na­tive strat­e­gy is to beam the radia­t­ion spe­cif­ic­ally to­ward the elec­tron­ic de­vice to be charged—but then prob­lems can arise if some oth­er ob­ject gets in the way, or if you move the de­vice. The MIT con­cept, called “WiTricity” for wire­less elec­tricity, in­volves us­ing so-called cou­pled res­onators. These are ob­jects that, if struck or dis­turbed, tend to nat­u­rally os­cil­late at a def­i­nite rhythm. If two of them tend to have match­ing rhythms, they ac­tu­ally en­hance each oth­ers’ os­cilla­t­ions. One ex­am­ple is a child on a swing. If she swings her legs in synch with the nat­u­ral rhythm of the swing it­self, the swing will soon be briskly in mo­tion. The type of res­o­nance be­hind such a push-pull sys­tem is called me­chan­i­cal, but oth­er types of res­o­nances are pos­si­ble. There are acous­tic res­o­nances, for ex­am­ple. Im­ag­ine a room with 100 iden­ti­cal wine glass­es, each filled with dif­fer­ent amounts of wine. This gives each glass a dif­fer­ent “res­o­nant fre­quen­cy,” or nat­u­ral rhythm of vibra­t­ion. If a sing­er then sings a loud enough note in the room, a glass of the cor­re­spond­ing fre­quen­cy might ac­cu­mu­late enough en­er­gy to ex­plode, while the oth­er glass­es sit un­dis­turbed. The MIT team fo­cused on yet anoth­er type of res­o­nance, mag­net­ic. They set up two cop­per coils, each a self-resonant sys­tem. One coil, at­tached to a pow­er source, is the “send­ing” un­it. In­stead of send­ing out elec­tro­mag­netic waves, it fills its sur­round­ings with an os­cillating mag­net­ic field. This leads to a pow­er ex­change with the oth­er, “re­ceiv­ing” coil. Be­cause the mag­net­ic field, un­like ra­di­o waves, nev­er gets too far from the send­ing un­it, the en­er­gy is­n’t lost in­to space. And ex­tra­ne­ous ob­jects en­ter­ing the field have no im­pact be­cause they nor­mally don’t res­o­nate along with the sys­tem. With such a de­sign, pow­er trans­fer has a lim­it­ed range, and the range would be shorter for smaller-size re­ceivers. Still, for lap­top-sized coils, pow­er lev­els more than enough for a lap­top can be trans­ferred over room-sized dis­tances nearly omni-directionally and ef­fi­cient­ly, re­gard­less of what’s be­tween the ob­jects, re­search­ers said. “As long as the lap­top is in a room equipped with a source of such wire­less pow­er, it would charge au­to­mat­ic­ally, with­out hav­ing to be plugged in,” said MIT’s Pe­ter Fish­er. Al­though the pow­er trans­fer ef­fi­cien­cy re­mains be­low the ide­al, team mem­ber An­dre Kurs said in an e­mail that he’s op­ti­mis­tic it can be im­proved. He al­so ac­knowl­edged that inef­fi­cien­cy raises en­vi­ron­men­tal con­cerns, but ar­gued that the new sys­tem on bal­ance might ac­tu­ally help the en­vi­ronment. That’s be­cause the bat­ter­ies that it would re­place al­so tend to lose ef­fi­cien­cy over time, and con­tain tox­ic chem­i­cals.